Below are Men’s standings in the Trail Mix series including all races run in 2018 to date. Races for 2018 include the Leatherman’s Loop (LOOP), A Mild Sprain (AMS), Where the Pavement Ends (WTPE), Sarah Bishop Bushwhack (SBB), Paine to Pain (P2P), Run The Farm (RTF), and Raven Rocks Run (RRR).
For details on how the races are scored for the series, check here. No entry for the Series is needed, runners just need to enter the individual races and finish them.
All runners who finish in at least FOUR of the SEVEN races are scored in the series for 2018. Early in the series we show everyone who is eligible. After the fourth race, we cut back to only showing runners who are eligible to complete the series — so the list gets a lot shorter.
Runners who have run in all Trail Mix races are highlighted in yellow.
Click on the column headings to sort by that column. Type in a category (e.g. F20, M40) to only show runners in that category.
Let us know at the contact page if you see any issues with the standings.
M30 Aleksei Chernov 99.019175 99.4445 100 98.7706 97.8616 396.0767 396.0767 4
M30 Matt Bedoukian 98.23875 99.3281 98.9012 97.1314 97.5943 392.955 392.955 4
M30 Jacob Benesch 98.2164 98.9921 97.6923 97.778 96.1542 98.4032 96.9265 97.327 683.2733 392.8656 7
M40 Guy Benn 97.626925 97.4244 96.4102 97.2225 99.4506 95.902 96.2578 582.6675 390.5077 6
M50 Bill Bradsell 97.620525 98.7122 98.2051 97.253 96.3118 95.4559 485.938 390.4821 5
M40 Mikhail Yeremeev 96.445925 96.5285 98.3518 96.5167 94.3867 385.7837 385.7837 4
M40 Edmund Dee 96.101125 97.0884 95.7086 95.0824 96.5251 384.4045 384.4045 4
M50 Randolph Randolph 95.384 96.1366 94.6153 96.1115 94.506 94.6726 476.042 381.536 5
M40 Tom Curley 94.93045 94.2329 95.556 95.0554 94.8775 91.4464 471.1682 379.7218 5
M50 Paul Limmiatis 94.28635 96.6405 93.8461 94.445 91.759 90.6188 92.2138 559.5232 377.1454 6
M30 Nicholas Chmura 94.234325 92.3292 97.1794 95.01 92.4187 376.9373 376.9373 4
M30 Lester Look 92.578775 96.6965 92.8578 90.9182 89.8426 370.3151 370.3151 4
M50 David Hulme 92.116775 93.225 91.5384 93.334 90.3697 368.4671 368.4671 4
M40 Alessandro Fulvini 91.883675 93.8895 90.6602 94.2116 88.7734 367.5347 367.5347 4
M30 Gabriel Brecher 91.2528 93.673 92.0512 90.5565 88.4626 80.6388 88.7305 88.2388 622.3514 365.0112 7
M30 Eugene Leeds 89.983475 88.7458 92.7785 87.4252 90.9844 85.0312 444.9651 359.9339 5
M40 Brian Clinton 89.956375 92.2732 90.1108 88.9354 88.5061 359.8255 359.8255 4
M50 Joseph Cloidt 89.918575 72.6763 75.641 92.223 87.3638 90.7795 89.308 507.9916 359.6743 6
M30 Luke Albrecht 89.60095 93.281 87.9132 90.5746 86.635 358.4038 358.4038 4
M40 Kevin Fay 88.9248 88.4615 89.012 88.1158 90.1099 355.6992 355.6992 4
M50 Paul Woolley 85.75765 84.9384 76.923 84.446 74.7276 77.2456 86.4766 87.1696 571.9268 343.0306 7
M40 David Vogel 85.516175 88.5778 89.2858 51.116 85.7156 60.7786 78.4855 74.8738 528.8331 342.0647 7
M50 Daniel Kortick 85.0187 86.8421 87.9487 86.668 78.616 340.0748 340.0748 4
M40 John Goodrow 84.2733 84.7704 81.7948 79.4465 72.53 68.2636 84.4276 86.1004 557.3333 337.0932 7
M40 Justin Stanford 83.754425 84.1025 84.0674 79.1418 87.706 335.0177 335.0177 4
M30 Rob Moore 83.620475 86.5621 89.2307 76.9252 81.7639 76.2103 410.6922 334.4819 5
M40 Eric Scheffler 83.6074 93.9529 89.7435 60.9782 89.755 334.4296 334.4296 4
MKd Christopher Demuth III 82.68005 61.6461 79.4871 77.78 84.6168 68.6628 85.8619 80.7544 538.8091 330.7202 7
M50 Charles Vaccaro 81.3289 84.6024 86.4102 78.891 75.277 73.9522 75.412 75.1411 549.6859 325.3156 7
M50 Lee Willett 79.801975 72.5643 76.1538 87.779 77.461 77.8141 391.7722 319.2079 5
M30 Andrew Urkowitz 79.09135 86.6181 70.8818 79.7149 79.1506 316.3654 316.3654 4
M40 Michael Zaro 79.0787 85.4423 70.3324 82.9933 77.5468 316.3148 316.3148 4
M40 Carlos Fonseca 79.005575 88.1298 73.8915 77.2561 76.7449 316.0223 316.0223 4
M40 Chris Demuth Jr 77.5942 61.7021 78.9743 72.225 64.8384 68.563 78.6904 80.4871 505.4803 310.3768 7
M30 Jim Munz 77.58755 82.5641 78.3355 73.6288 75.8218 310.3502 310.3502 4
M60 John Walsh 76.845675 82.0268 81.5384 69.783 72.9532 70.8643 377.1657 307.3827 5
M30 Joseph Farenga 74.920175 58.3426 71.0256 77.2245 73.0794 76.6414 72.7354 429.0489 299.6807 6
M60 Mark Stefanov 74.295425 61.0862 83.8461 82.7795 69.4699 297.1817 297.1817 4
M50 Christopher Dean 72.715225 73.5162 76.4102 71.6695 68.1348 66.6668 69.265 67.924 493.5865 290.8609 7
M30 Christopher Frey 71.631775 72.5641 70.003 73.363 70.597 286.5271 286.5271 4
MKd Zachary Bertin 70.63195 69.7648 77.4358 61.6705 59.3444 66.6013 68.7259 403.5427 282.5278 6
M60 Edward Moore III 70.511 76.9876 66.923 64.289 69.6748 68.4586 346.333 282.044 5
M40 Andrew Hoemann 69.44875 68.141 70.5585 70.9042 68.1913 277.795 277.795 4
M40 Scott Sutton 69.27385 74.0761 75.1282 66.1145 61.542 61.7766 338.6374 277.0954 5
M40 William Engelbracht 68.990675 70.1567 71.5384 67.781 66.4866 64.1425 61.7761 401.8813 275.9627 6
M50 Mark Bertin 67.94255 69.8208 73.5897 59.4485 58.795 65.7817 62.578 390.0137 271.7702 6
M50 Eric Foxhall 66.906675 62.43 61.5384 65.3878 58.4832 66.8062 73.0027 387.6483 267.6267 6
M40 Kurt Allen 66.583075 62.038 67.2255 65.9372 71.1316 266.3323 266.3323 4
M40 Kerry O'Neill 64.86815 63.9977 66.67 67.8307 60.9742 259.4726 259.4726 4
M70 Rob Fryer 64.46265 71.7805 64.6153 57.782 63.6728 257.8506 257.8506 4
M50 Simon Butt 64.355675 65.641 65.0035 60.9926 65.7856 257.4227 257.4227 4
M40 Gaurang Trivedi 62.9925 68.0851 58.893 56.5974 64.5523 60.4396 308.5674 251.97 5
M40 Andrew Maldonado 62.69125 68.365 58.2456 54.092 70.0624 250.765 250.765 4
M40 Christopher Cannistraci 60.8546 64.0537 67.6923 54.2916 57.3808 243.4184 243.4184 4
M50 Michael Kovnat 58.277525 56.048 58.084 61.4788 57.4993 233.1101 233.1101 4
M40 Ori Pagovich 57.2622 58.3375 55.4986 58.7826 56.4301 229.0488 229.0488 4
M50 Dean Leggiero 55.8918 54.3673 58.7179 55.56 54.922 53.2225 276.7897 223.5672 5
M40 Mike Armstrong 52.13675 51.5117 52.7825 51.2976 52.9552 208.547 208.547 4