2024 Series Women’s Standings

This page is updated as races are scored and results published after each race

Below are Women’s standings in the Trail Mix series including all races run in 2024 to date. Races for 2024 include Mudders & Grunters (MG), the Leatherman’s Loop (LOOP), Spring Run The Farm (SRTF), Where the Pavement Ends (WTPE), Paine to Pain (P2P), Run The Farm (RTF), and Raven Rocks Run (RRR).


For details on how the races are scored for the series, check here.  No entry for the Series is needed, runners just need to enter the individual races and finish them.

All runners who finish in at least FOUR of the races are scored in the final tally of the series for 2024. 

Early in the series we show everyone who is eligible. After the fifth race, we cut back to only showing runners who are eligible to complete the series with four races completed by the end — so the list gets a lot shorter.

Runners who have run in all Trail Mix races are highlighted in yellow.

Click on the column headings to sort by that column. Type in a category (e.g. F20, M40) to only show runners in that category.

Let us know at the contact page if you see any issues with the standings.

F40 Lindsey Felling100.0099.21100.00100.00399.21399.214
F30 CASSANDRA RING97.5297.87100.0098.3098.31492.01394.495
F40 Barbara Basbanes Richter96.8896.6295.2198.2192.2994.2296.63670.06388.347
F50 TEREN BLOCK96.4096.8196.4395.58385.21385.214
F50 ALLISON BELL92.9189.8991.0789.80363.67363.674
F60 CHERYL BROAS87.2391.8290.4891.01360.54360.544
F40 EMILY REBORI92.7988.8383.9380.6178.65424.82346.165
F40 CELINE VARIN83.9082.4572.4385.0384.27408.08335.655
F50 TANJA LEVINE75.9079.7978.5782.02316.28316.284
F40 AMY FALDER82.5576.7967.2987.07313.70313.704
F30 Cinthia Ortega81.2589.0865.6575.28311.25311.254
F40 MARY FASCIANA79.2862.5064.2576.97283.00283.004
F50 MARY BROWER62.5066.7859.5756.2553.7456.8053.93409.58245.667
F50 MEA SGAGLIO57.3255.8562.5055.06230.73230.734

PDF of the Women’s Standings (not sortable like the table above, but it may be easier to view)