2015 Series Women’s Standings

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For details on how the races are scored for the series, check here.

These are the Final Women’s standings for all 6 races in the series: the Leatherman’s Loop (LOOP), A Mild Sprain (AMS), Where the Pavement Ends (WTPE), Sarah Bishop Bushwhack (SBB), Run The Farm (RTF), and Raven Rocks Run (RRR).

Click on the column headings to sort by that column. Let us know at the contact page if you see any issues with the standings.

F30 Tiffany Carson99.25710099.4084100398.66544
F30 Rachel Massa97.89698.571597.337899.4624393.26774
F50 Tracy Lawrence-Black97.02998.46997.14396.746298.9248391.56585
F40 Teren Block97.498.437595.714597.633697.8496391.32075
F40 Lindsay Obrig98.14399.48994.28698.521390.4394
F40 Karen Haitoff94.92594.89795.312591.717690.3232376.85215
F40 Jeannine Fagan93.81192.187581.429592.309292.4736370.78135
F40 Jerre Skeats90.96593.87793.7578.572588.463889.248367.846
F30 Keely Cheslack-Postava95.17377.14493.788294.624360.72924
F50 MaryAnn Cox74.87690.30681.2560.00277.519272.5824323.95126
F40 Kathy Lynch82.05471.4381.068877.4208311.97364
F50 Judi Demuro65.59480.61264.062555.716560.658651.616270.92716
F30 Christie Verschoor68.81167.187567.166265.056268.22074
F30 Katie Vaz61.01474.48959.179659.68254.36264

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