Women’s Series Standings to date • Men’s Series Standings to date
ALL races in the 2023 Trail Mix Series are compete!
Women’s 2023 Final Standings
There are 14 women who qualified for final scoring in the 2023 Trail Mix Series.
Lindsey Felling was at the top again for her fourth consecutive Trail Mix Series Win. Lindsey won Raven Rocks and Run the Farm and had two other top performances at the Leatherman’s Loop (2nd) and Paine to Pain (3rd). Lindsey completed four Trail Mix races in 2023.

Julie Scheffler was second overall for the second consecutive year and won the F14-18 category with four races completed.
Keely Cheslack-Postava was third overall and won the F40-49 category with four races completed.
Jen Cramer was fourth overall with four races. Emily Rebori was fifth overall.
Trish Gallagher was sixth overall and first in the F60-69 category.
Maria Scrivan was #7 overall and won the F50-59 category.
Cinthia Ortega was #9 overall and won the F30-39 category.
Mea Sgaglio completed the most races in the series with five of the six races in 2023.
Men’s 2023 Final Standings
There are 33 men who qualified for final scoring in the Trail Mix Series.
Eamonn Sullivan captured the 2023 Trail Mix overall title and ran in every race in the 2023 Trail Mix Series.
Eamonn won A Mild Sprain, Where the Pavement Ends, Run the Farm, and Raven Rocks. He also had a sixth place finish at Paine to Pain and a second place finish at Leatherman’s Loop — but since he completed all six trail mix races he was able to drop these two “low” scores and repeat with a 400 point total finish for the Trail Mix. Eamonn is the only runner to achieve this feat (now twice!)

Edmund Dee ran in four races and got second place overall, winning the M40-49 category.
Paul Viscontini ran in all six races and placed 3rd overall and second in the M40-49 category.
Fletcher Bouvier ran in five races, came in 4th overall, and grabbed #1 in the M30-39 category.
Gerry Sullivan was 5th overall after running in 4 of the series races.
Eric Kronenberg was #7 overall and took the M60-69 category after running in 4 of the series races for the second year.
Eric Scheffler was #8 overall won the M50-59 division.
Ed Moore topped the M70-79 standings for the second straight year.
Of special note: Three runners — Josh Omin, Paul Viscontini, and Eamonn Sullivan ran all SIX Trail Mix Series races in 2023.
All Runners
Congratulations to all 47 runners (listed at the bottom of this post) who are eligible for automatic selection into the 2024 Loop Lottery!
Note: Runners who wish to run the loop must still register in the loop lottery!
Of course you don’t need to run in the Trail Mix Series to race in these trail races. They are open to everyone!
Sign up today! Hope to see you on the trails!
……..David, Brant, Megan, Nancy, Eric, and Rob (the 2023 Trail Mix race directors)
F30 Lindsey Felling
FJr Julie Scheffler
F40 Keely Cheslack-Postava
F40 Jen Cramer
F40 Emily Rebori
F60 Trish Gallagher
F50 Maria Scrivan
F50 Ermelinda Francisco
F30 Cinthia Ortega
F30 Nanci Alvarez
F40 Regina Suhr
F30 Qiwei Lu
F40 Mary Brower
F50 Mea Sgaglio
MJr Eamonn Sullivan
M40 Edmund Dee
M40 Paul Viscontini
M30 Fletcher Bouvier
M40 Gerry Sullivan
M40 Tom Curley
M60 Eric Kronenberg
M50 Eric Scheffler
M50 Vivek Pabby
M30 Harry Chiel
M40 Josh Omin
M40 Todd Rebori
M30 Ian Hanley
M40 Matthew Hart
M40 Mark Kelly
M40 William Fraioli
M40 Brad Mantel
M40 Adam Kaufman
M40 Matthew Knight
M60 David Flynn
M30 David M
M40 Brad Scott
M50 Alan Wegener
M60 Andrew Pinney
M40 Jonathan Forman
M70 Ed Moore
M40 Kevin Trapp
M50 Eric Foxhall
M50 Timothy Healy
M50 David Rovere
M50 Andrew Chasen
M70 John Kiselak
M50 Richard Slingerland
PS: Let us know if you notice an error in the standings and we will address it – email trailmixseries@gmail.com. The most common glitch is registering under slightly different names for different trail mix races. We can fix this and all other issues. Thanks!