• Women’s Series Standings to date •
• Men’s Series Standings to date •
SIX races in the 2018 Trail Mix Series are compete! Only one more to go to make it a Lucky seven! (Raven Rocks Run – November 11)
There are 29 women who are currently eligible for scoring in the Trail Mix Series. Lindsey Felling has taken over the series lead with Louise Mullan just 0.04 points behind Lindsey in second place. Kelsey Crawford fell to third overall after Run The Farm, down by less than 1 point. Emily Bocklet is not far behind Kelsey in fourth overall. Katie Hulme is in fifth overall and is the first in the Juniors category. Of the top 5, Kelsey and Katie both have completed four races which is enough to be officially scored.
This tight race makes for some interesting scenarios: Each of the top 3 female runners has a chance to take it all at Raven Rocks by finishing above the other two. Kelsey can win the series by finishing higher than Lindsey and Louise. Lindsey can guarantee an overall win by beating Kelsey and Louise. And Louise can take it all with a win over Lindsey and Kelsey. It will be exciting to see who takes the prize! Kelsey has a chance to come back and win the series with an overall win at Raven Rocks and get the first ever perfect score. We only count the top 4 trail mix race finishes — and she will have five if she wins Raven Rocks enabling her to drop her lowest point score.
Deborah Young is leading in the F40 category with four races completed of the six run so far in the series. Kathy Lynch leads in the F50 category with four races completed. Michelle Stefanov leads in the F60 category.
Of special note — Cathy Nottage is the only woman to run all SIX of the Trail Mix Series races in 2018. Congratulations Cathy!
There are 77 men who are currently eligible for scoring in the Trail Mix Series.. Alexei Chernov has taken over the lead in the men’s Trail Mix Series. Matt Bedoukian is trailing by just under a point in second place. Jacob Benesch is third – and Jacob has run in all six of the 2018 Trail Mix Series races to date.
Guy Benn and Bill Bradsell have five and four races under their belts, respectively. Bill has won the M50 category each of the last two years and is trailed by Randolph2 and Paul Limmiatis. Guy is eading the M40 category, trailed by Mikhail Yeremeev, Edmund Dee, and Tom Curley. Christopher DeMuth III is leading the 13 & under division with Zachary Bertin on his heels.
Of special note — Christopher Dean, John Goodrow, Jacob Benesch, Paul Limmiatis, Gabriel Brecher, Charles Vaccaro, Paul Woolley, Christopher Demuth III, and Chris Demuth Jr have all run every Trail Mix Series race to date (six total) in 2018.
Extra special note — Charles Vaccaro has run in EVERY SINGLE TRAIL MIX RACE EVER! The series was started in 2014 and Charlie has done all twenty-seven races in that span including the six so far this year. He’s the only one with that streak. He is officially “Mr Trail Mix!”
There are two more races in the series — that means if you have run in at least two races in the series to date you can still finish the 2018 series! Of course you don’t need to run in the series to race in these trail races.
The final race in the series is the Raven Rocks Run on Sunday, November 11 at 9am. Hope to see you there!
Hope to see you on the trails!
……..David, Brant, Lee, Barry, Mark, Geoff, Eric, Rob, and Tony (the Trail Mix race directors)
PS: Let us know of any scoring mistakes or omissions and we will fix them ASAP!