The 2025 Trail Mix Series is composed of SEVEN trail races in the Westchester/Fairfield area listed and linked below.
The Trail Mix Series 2025 kicks off with Mudders & Grunters (March 23) for the second year in a row. After that is Leatherman’s Loop (April 27) and then Spring Run the Farm (May 18). The series returns in September with four more trail races.
Links for information and registration are listed below. Five of the races: Mudders & Grunters, both Run the Farm races, Where the Pavement Ends, and Raven Rocks Run, are open for signup January 1st, 2025. The Leatherman’s Loop Lottery is open from January 3rd-6th for the limited spots in this race. Paine to Pain opens for registration on Earth Day April 22, 2025.
Series Scoring will be done via a points system with a runner’s best 4 of 7 races counted towards the final standings. Runners who complete 5 or 6 or 7 races will get to drop their lowest race(s) and that will improve their series score.
ALL races in the 2024 Trail Mix Series are complete!
Women’s 2024 Final Standings
There are 14 women who qualified for final scoring in the 2024 Trail Mix Series.
click to see PDF File of the results
Lindsey Felling was at the top again for her FIFTH consecutive Trail Mix Series Win. Lindsey won Mudders & Grunters plus both Spring and Fall Run the Farm. She also had a top performance at the Leatherman’s Loop (8th). Lindsey completed four Trail Mix races in 2023.
Trail Mix 2024 women’s series winner Lindsey Felling winning Spring Run the Farm in May 2024 (photo by Rob Cummings).
Cassandra Ring was second overall and won the F30-39 category with five races completed.
Barbara Basbanes Richter was third overall and won the F40-49 category with four races completed. Barbara ran in ALL SEVEN of the 2024 Trail Mix races!
Teren Block was fourth overall with four races. Allison Bell was fifth overall with four races.
Cheryl Broas was sixth overall and first in the F60-69 category with four races.
Emily Rebori was #7 overall with 5 races.
Celine Varin was #8 overall and finished 5 races.
Tania Levine and Amy Falder rounded out the Top 10 with 4 races each.
Mary Brower ran ALL SEVEN 2024 Trail Mix series races!
Men’s 2024 Final Standings
There are 44 men who qualified for final scoring in the Trail Mix Series.
Click to see full PDF of these results
Eamonn Sullivan captured the 2024 Trail Mix overall title and ran in every race in the 2024 Trail Mix Series.
Eamonn won Mudders & Grunters, Leatherman’s Loop, both Spring and Fall Run the Farm races, Where the Pavement Ends,and Raven Rocks. He also had a second place finish at Paine to Pain. Since he completed all seven trail mix races he was able to drop his “low” scores and repeat with a 400 point total finish for the third time in the Trail Mix. Eamonn is the only runner to achieve this feat (now three times in a row!)
Trail Mix 2024 winner Eamonn Sullivan at the 2024 Leatherman’s Loop (photo by Rob Cummings).
Chris Irwin ran in six of the seven Trail Mix races in 2024 and ranked second overall and first in the M50-59 category. The only race he missed in 2024 was Mudders & Grunters where he is the race director.
Edmund Dee ran in four races and got third place overall, winning the M40-49 category.
Paul Viscontini ran in five races and placed 4th overall and second in the M40-49 category.
Todd Henrich ran in six races, came in 5th overall, and was #2 in the M50-59 category.
Daniel Hannon was 6th overall and first in the M30-39 category after completing four races in the series.
Ethan Knecht was #7 overall and was a close 2nd in the M30-39 category.
Jordan Cramer was #8 overall with 5 races completed.
Gerry Sullivan and Harry Chiel round out the top 10 with 4 and 5 races completed, respectively.
Timothy Harrison was first in the M14-18 category with 4 races completed.
Jacob Tabs was first in the M20-29 category.
David Flynn took first in the M60-69 category.
Ed Moore topped the M70-79 standings for the third straight year and also finished ALL SEVEN 2o24 Trail Mix Series races.
All Runners
Congratulations to all 58 runners (listed at the bottom of this post) who are eligible for automatic selection into the 2025 Loop Lottery when they enter it between January 3rd-6th, 2025!
Important Note: Runners who wish to get into the Loop MUST register in the loop lottery in January. (Link above)
You DON’T need to run in the Trail Mix Series to race in any of these trail races — they are open and welcoming to everyone.
Sign up today! Hope to see you on the trails!
…Chris, Nick, Megan, Amy, Eric, Ciorsdan, and Rob (your Trail Mix Series race directors)
F40 Lindsey Felling F30 Cassandra Ring F40 Barbara Basbanes Richter F50 Teren Block F50 Allison Bell F60 Cheryl Broas F40 Emily Rebori F40 Celine Varin F50 Tanja Levine F40 Amy Falder F30 Cinthia Ortega F40 Mary Fasciana F50 Mary Brower F50 Mea Sgaglio
M20 Eamonn Sullivan M50 Christopher Irwin M40 Edmund Dee M40 Paul Viscontini M50 Todd Henrich M30 Daniel Hannon M30 Ethan Knecht M40 Jordan Cramer M40 Gerry Sullivan M30 Harry Chiel M50 Michael Mckenna Mkd Timothy Harrison M40 Josh Omin M50 Will Sargisson M40 William Fraioli M40 Richard Peck M40 Michael Richter M40 Matthew Knight M20 Jacob Tabs M50 Jonathan Forman M50 Matthew Hart M30 Darren Lee M40 Brad Mantel M50 Steven Levy M60 David Flynn M60 Jonathan Moffly M50 Joseph Cloidt M40 Adam Kaufman M30 Jono Emmett M50 Eric Foxhall M60 Andrew Pinney M40 Alessandro Ferrara M40 Arnoldo Guerrero M50 Christopher Post M40 Igor Nepomnyashchiy M50 Matthew Della Bitta M70 Ed Moore M50 David Rovere M20 Griffin Cummings M70 John Kiselak M50 Richard Slingerland M40 James Martorano Jr. M40 Evan Wagowski M70 Murray Rosenblith
PS: Let us know if you notice an error in the standings or if we have inadvertently omitted your name. We will address it – email The most common glitch is registering under slightly different names for different trail mix races. We can fix this and all other issues. Thanks!
ProTip: Subscribe to the calendar to get all of these Trail Mix Series races (and other regular Sunday Run group runs) on your mobile calendar.
Runners can compete in the series by completing at least 4 of the 7 races. The best four count towards the point totals for the series. If runners complete five, six, or seven of the series races they can drop their lowest race(s) — only counting best 4 races.
Runners who complete the series with at least 4 races of the 7 total get automatic selection in the Leatherman’s Loop Lottery the following year. (Runners who completed the 2019 series are eligible for automatic selection in the 2020 Loop Lottery! (as long as they entered the Loop Lottery!!)
Our best way to let others know about the Trail Mix Series is YOU!
When friends tell their friends about the series from personal experience it is the best way to spread the word. If you know someone who might be interested in running in the series, please forward this note to them.
If you have any questions about the 2020 Trail Mix Series, please let us know via email.
See you on the trails!
….Tony, David, Brant, Geoffrey, Megan, Lee, Barry, Veronica, Eric, Rob (The Trail Mix Race Directors)
You may see some of the Trail Mix posters and cards around Westchester and Fairfield this year. Just in case you don’t here are some images to share! 😉
You have to register for the Loop Lottery so we know how many spots are available to the other regular entrants in the Loop Lottery.
You are guaranteed to get picked for a spot in the Loop Lottery if you are a Trail Mix series finisher — but we can’t enter your name into the Loop Lottery automatically. We need you to sign the USATF waiver and enter your credit card to pay for your entry.
Runners can compete in the series by completing at least 4 of the 7 races in the series. The best four count towards the point totals for the series if runners complete five or six of the series races.
Runners who complete the 2018 series are eligible for automatic selection in the 2019 Leatherman’s Loop Lottery. (Runners who completed the 2017 series are eligible for automatic selection in the 2018 Loop Lottery! (as long as they enter the Loop Lottery!!)
The races in the Trail Mix 2018 are, in chronological order:
The first race in the 2017 Trail Mix Trail Series is just 10 days away!
The Leatherman’s Loop is a 10k trail race at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. This year marks the 31st consecutive year of the Loop. The race organizers are in race mode taking care of all of the details before the race.
Note: The Loop Lottery is finished and the race is full.
One way to guarantee your Leatherman’s Loop entry is to complete the Trail Mix Series the year before. Any runner who runs in 4 or more Trail Mix Series races is eligible for automatic selection when they enter the Loop Lottery.
A few weeks after the Loop is the second race in the series: A Mild Sprain on 5/21. More on that race when the Loop concludes!
You have to register for the Loop Lottery so we know how many spots are available to the other regular entrants in the Loop Lottery. You are guaranteed to get picked for a spot in the Loop Lottery if you are a Trail Mix series finisher — but we won’t enter your name into the Loop Lottery automatically.
Thanks for understanding and making our jobs easier 😉
UPDATE: If you are a Trail Mix 2016 finisher and you are reading this after the lottery has closed and you would like a late entry into the 2017 Loop due to a misunderstanding AND you are on the list of finishers at the bottom of this Final 2016 Trail Mix post here, please contact us and let us know your request. There are only around 10 runners in this situation so we can accommodate you if you let us know soon. The closer it gets to the Loop, the less flexible we will be with offering help for your situation.
Runners can compete in the series by completing at least 4 of the 6 races in the series. The best four count towards the point totals for the series if runners complete five or six of the series races.
Runners who complete the 2017 series are eligible for automatic selection in the 2018 Leatherman’s Loop Lottery. (Runners who completed the 2016 series are eligible for automatic selection in the 2017 Loop Lottery! (as long as they enter the Loop Lottery!!)
The races in the Trail Mix 2017 are, in chronological order:
These races are ALL open for registration – sign up now using the links above.
Nearly 1,700 runners — 612 different women and 1,066 different men have participated in at least one of the first two Trail Mix Series events so far in 2016!
This is our 3rd Trail Mix series and we’re hoping to bring it to as many runners as possible!
If you ran in either the Leatherman’s Loop,A Mild Sprain, or Where the Pavement Ends then you are listed in the Trail Mix 2016 standings. If you did not run one of these 3 races unfortunately you can’t complete the Trail Mix Series for 2016 — but you can still register for the remaining races!
The benefits are multiple — even if you aren’t in the running to take your age category or the series: You get to hang out and race with some super (and modest) people. You get to visit and explore beautiful locations around Westchester and Fairfield Counties. And through trail racing you can connect back to nature in a way that road racing can’t match.
If you see a problem in the results or standings, please let us know ASAP. The most common problems are name differences between races (e.g. Liz and Elizabeth, Jim and James, etc.) Considering over 1,600 different runners are being tracked at this point it is not possible for us to automatically match names in the standings database with these minor differences (we need to fix them by hand). It will help immensely if you pick a “race name” and stick to it for the series races when you register. Your race series volunteers appreciate the help! 😉 If you have already registered using a different name, we can change it if you let us know.
Come on out – We’d love to see you on the trails and in the Mix!